How to Send Mass Texts Individually Without Spamming Your Customers

Mass marketing through bulk SMS is a valuable tool businesses use to connect with hundreds, thousands, and even millions of contacts with the ease of sending a single text message. As useful as marketing messages can be, nobody wants spam sent to their personal phone. The key to letting each customer know they are one in a million instead of one of the million is utilizing a bulk messaging app to help send personalized messages. With the right mass texting service, you can ensure each customer receives your message individually without getting locked into a group thread.
What is the difference between a group message and bulk text?
A group text is a form of plain text messages sent to multiple people simultaneously. Typically, the number of people you can include in a group text caps out at 10 (including the sender) for both iPhone and Android devices. iMessage gives you a slightly larger range and caps out at around 30 recipients. Group messages are a great way to send your message to multiple contacts without the hassle of typing out the same phrase over and over again. Group text messages are perfect for sending pictures of the new baby, organizing a neighborhood block party, and other forms of personal use.
Bulk text messaging, or bulk SMS, is very similar to group texts but on a much larger scale. Mass text messages are typically used in the business world. Sending mass texts with the help of a mass texting service like Salesmsg is a great way to send sale alerts, appointment reminders, feedback polls, and more to your entire customer base at once.
When should I use group text VS bulk text messaging?
While both group texts and bulk text messaging give the sender the option of contacting multiple phone numbers at once, group messaging is typically utilized for personal use while mass texting is generally used by a business and requires the help of specialized software.
Group message:
If a small operation is what you're looking for, group texts could be an easy way to get started; however, group text messages typically don't cut it when it comes to big business operations. The main reason group text isn't the best option on a large scale is the limited number of people you can send a group text to at once. Of course, you could create multiple groups, but that comes with its own set of limitations. Managing multiple groups can be difficult to keep track of and time-consuming to keep up on responses.
Mass text:
If you want additional texting features and worldwide reach, sending messages with the help of bulk SMS services could be your answer. This route gives you the option to send mass text individually and manage each conversation on a larger scale. Your customers won't be stuck in a large group message listening to their phone ping constantly from several replies.
Why is it important to send a text message without a reply-all?
While sending bulk text messages can save your business time, effort, and money, it's important to ensure your clients don't feel adrift in a sea of SMS. A mass text without a reply-all means that while each number receives the same message, the text code is configured to send as separate threads, ensuring your contacts don't get lost in replies from thousands of other recipients. Receiving mass text individually gives texts a personal feel and helps build trust and rapport with each client.
Who can benefit from bulk text messaging?
Both you and your customers can benefit from using bulk text messages. A mass texting relationship can strengthen the relationship between sender and recipient.
Helps customers stay informed
It's safe to say that when customers sign up to receive text messaging from their favorite business, they want to stay up-to-date on all the latest news. Messaging clients with alerts and reminders is a great way for recipients to save money on preferred products and be aware of changes to policies, new items, special events, and more.
Boosts business
As you use Salesmsg to send, track, and record all your online conversations, you'll learn more about your customers and be better prepared to meet their interests and needs. No matter your industry, you can send mass text messages that benefit your business.
How do I write a mass text?
Before you create and send mass texts, there are a couple of items to consider:
Determine your audience
- Consider the demographic of the customers you are trying to contact. Your content will differ depending on whether you are messaging 18-year-old college students or retired homeowners. Either way, with the help of Salesmsg's segmentation feature, you'll be able to filter your contact list accordingly.
- Consider the number of customers you want to reach. Once you know how big your audience is, as well as the number of mass text messages you'll be sending monthly, you'll have a better idea of which Salesmsg plan is right for you.
Determine the purpose of your mass text
- Is your company promoting a sale for Mother's Day? Are you launching a new product? Confirming an appointment? Asking for feedback on a recent experience? Once you've identified the main point of your message, you'll be able to create a clear plan on how to proceed.
Determine your voice
- A pop-up flower shop will market its business differently than a worldwide restaurant chain. Stay true to your brand as you decide how casual or professional you want your message to sound.
Determine if there is a need for additional features
- Salesmsg offers a variety of features such as auto-reply, customizable scheduling, branded caller ID, and more to accompany your messages.
If you still feel as though you need a nudge in the right direction when writing your message, we can help. Salesmsg has suggested scripts and templates that are useful for crafting the perfect text message to get your point across. You can delay sending bulk SMS messages to a specific time and date or send them immediately upon creation. After you write your message, simply set the desired time and let our software do the rest.
How do I send bulk text individually?
If you want to send mass text individually, you're going to need some SMS magic in the form of a mass text app. Fortunately, Salesmsg has your back. Through our portal, you can unlock the power to send a mass text to as many phone numbers as you want. There are many messaging services to choose from, so it's important to understand the additional features you'll have access to through Salesmsg. We have a whole stack of technology boosts we know you'll love, including:
- Dedicated short codes
- MMS texting
- Landline texting
- Calendar integrations
- Toll-free numbers
- Video SMS
- Group SMS
- Import/export contact lists
- Call analytics
- Auto-reply business hours
- Opt-out management
- Canned responses
- Brand caller ID
- Instant notifications
- Call recording
- PDF attachments
- Call forwarding and more!
What are bulk MMS Messages?
MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service. MMS messages are a step up from plain text messages and can include video, audio, images, and other fun extras. Looking to add some personality to your messages? Salesmsg has you covered-- MMS message options are included in our services.
Is mass text messaging expensive?
While it's true you'll need the help of SMS software if you want to start sending mass texts, the service doesn't have to be complicated or pricey. Want to know if Salesmsg truly is superior to other messaging services? You don't have to take our word for it-- go ahead and put our tech to the test with our 14-day free trial.
We know you'll love what sets us apart from other messaging services so much that you'll make it official in no time. When you sign up for Salesmsg, you'll receive superior support and access to the software you need to take your mass texting to the next level. Our features offer a proven way to save you time when you want to send mass text individually.
If you are unsatisfied with your experience for any reason, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Visit our website at to get started today.