New calling and texting features designed for speed, clarity, and automation - see what’s new for HubSpot users in Salesmsg for Q1.
Let AI Agents do the work. With the new “AI Agents” workflow action, you can enroll your contacts into a workflow where they’ll interact with a Salesmsg AI Agent - without any manual effort from your team. Whether it’s leads, deals, or support tickets, AI Agents can ensure your HubSpot contacts automatically receive the right message at the right time.
Save time and keep leads engaged with Voicemail Drop inside HubSpot’s calling widget. Just select a pre-recorded message, drop it into the call, and move on to the next task. No need to repeat yourself. Voicemails are sent instantly, to help you reach more potential customers in less time.
Make sure every Salesmsg call - whether missed, received, or declined - is logged under the correct HubSpot user. Just like SMS tracking, calls now sync perfectly to the right person, so your team always knows who handled each conversation. No more confusion - just accurate call history inside HubSpot.
Stop searching through generic call logs in HubSpot. Every call now appears as "Call with {Name} {Number}," making it faster and easier to find the exact conversation you need. Whether it's a recent customer call or a follow-up, you’ll know who you spoke with at a glance.
See the most important HubSpot details right inside your Salesmsg Contact Card. Choose the properties you want - contacts, deals, tickets, or companies - and keep key info at your fingertips. No need to switch between Salesmsg and HubSpot anymore. Stay focused and get more done.
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