NEW! Introducing Smart Inboxes

Sticky Sender, Localmsg, Scaler, Group Inbox, and More!

NEW! Introducing Smart Inboxes

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NEW! Introducing Smart Inboxes

Recognizable Number

Sticky Sender

With multiple numbers in a Smart Inbox, the Sticky Sender feature ensures that your customers will always receive messages from a recognizable number. This is achieved by fixing the number used for the first outbound or inbound message.

Local Presence


Localmsg uses area code matching to help you achieve local presence and build trust with your customers. leverage Smart Inboxes to cover all the areas your business operates in by adding multiple area code local numbers.

NEW! Introducing Smart Inboxes
NEW! Introducing Smart Inboxes

Scaled Broadcasts & Workflows


Boost your Broadcast and CRM workflows with Scaler. With multiple numbers in one inbox, the Scaler feature balances the load of your mass communication on all the numbers in your Smart Inbox. This helps you improve deliverability and execute your campaigns quicker.

Easier Management

Inbox & Seat Separation

One of the biggest updates that came with Smart Inboxes is the separation of Inboxes & Seats. Now, when you drop an existing Salesmsg user you can re-assign all their Contacts and Inboxes in a few clicks while keeping their Seat for another member. Similarly, when you invite new team members you can just add them to existing inboxes and use any of your open seats.

NEW! Introducing Smart Inboxes
NEW! Introducing Smart Inboxes

Organize Your Inboxes

Group Inbox

To help you get organized and extend the power of Unified Inbox, we introduced Group Inbox which allows you to create unified views but for a subset of inboxes. For example, if you have multiple sales regions and you have an inbox for each, you can now create a main sales Group Inbox to be able to view all conversations across all the individual inboxes.

Integrate with your favorite apps

Simplify, scale, and streamline your business by connecting your tech stack with our apps

Coming soon...

Don't see an integration you need? We use Zapier to fill in any gaps.

The best way to get something done is to start

Sign up here for a 14-day trial and be on your way to engaging with your customers faster than ever before.

Still have questions? Text us: (888) 409-2298