Hi everyone, and welcome back to another monthly product update where we discussed the features that you requested and voted on. Some great ones made the cut this month, so let's take a look. First is one of the biggest features for the year, and that is advanced analytics from a single page dashboard to a dedicated section of the app um with dashboards and visualizations for every area of the product, from calling to messaging to team performance. Each dashboard comes with flexible charts and visualizations and the ability to filter based on data and multiple criteria, making sure that the insights you need to get the most out of Salesmsg are only a few clicks away. A few weeks ago, we introduced the ability to export conversations. Last month, we extended that feature to allow for PDF exports. Now you can get a very nice PDF of your conversation that includes everything from the conversation timeline to links to attachments to images and even conversation notes. So if you have any important conversation that you want to archive now, it's one click away. To simplify managing payment methods and to ensure that none of your important broadcasts fail due to insufficient credits, we added multiple payment methods, including a primary one for your subscription, a backup, and now an auto recharge payment method. Last but not least, we simplified the Salesmsg code. Snippet adding those few lines of code, you can now get access to two awesome Salesmsg features the website to chat widget that you can add to your website to collect leads and support your customers and conversion tracking that you can use to track the revenue your campaigns generate for you. That wraps it up for this month. Thanks for watching. What are other features and improvements you would like us to feature on upcoming videos? Hop over to feedback salesmen.com, request new features, and vote in existing ones. We love to hear your feedback. Thanks again for watching and I'll see you next time. Thank you.