Awesome. Well, thank you everyone for attending. We've got important changes to the world of SMS coming up. Um, happy that you all carved out some time in your day to chat with us about what's changing and what we need to do if we haven't had the chance to connect. I recognize a lot of familiar names on the attendee list already but if we haven't had the chance my name is Ben Francis. I had a customer success and support here at Salesmen on the call with me as well, I have our co founder and CTO Chief Product Officer, all of the things Sara Gay as well. I'll let him introduce himself a little further. All right, well Ben, thank you so much for the introduction and I'm looking forward to presenting this meeting with Ben and there are a lot of important changes are coming and we're excited to tell you all about it. Awesome. With that in mind, we'll cover let's go ahead and go on to the agenda. Let's talk a bit about what we're going to dig into today. So we're going to cover at high level what is http ten DLC what does SMS compliance look like? Why we should consider investing in it what's changing if we're already configured with ten DLC, um, as every account by default by being under Salesmsgs when um, we need to get things done. Um, and we'll talk about exactly how you can do this baked into our product. We try to try to make it as easy as we can. We'll save some time for Q and A but I will also have Tao lead on the call, um, answering questions via chat and escalating some questions up to us as well. So if something comes up, feel free to pop it in the chat and we'll either answer it directly in chat or will address it live on the call. Perfect. With that, let's go ahead and talk about it. Um, so for those of you that ah, may not already be with Salesmsg, um, and are attending just to learn a little bit more about how to ensure that we're leveraging the most powerful channel to ah, connect with customers. On average maintaining a high 90s, knocking on 100% open rates, um, open engagement within the first three minutes. We know that SMS as a channel, um, is the most effective option for immediate communication with our customers. And as it relates, we're seeing the markets really lean in and double down on using SMS to engage with your customers across your customer lifecycle, pre, during and even post sale. On top of that, we know that as a channel, SMS has one of the highest engagement rates of any channel that we can pull from. We're seeing single digit engagement rates in email. Um, calling is a valuable channel as well. But the match rate, or the amount of calls I have to pick up and initiate to get that one conversion, um, the returns aren't nearly there compared to SMS as a channel. So we know that this tool works. Let's talk about how we can invest in it properly to ensure that our messages get to the end destination. So, as we've seen a huge rise in businesses using SMS as a channel to connect with customers, we've all seen an equal rise with spammers and bad actors using SMS as a vehicle for fishing for spam and other malicious attacks. So as a result, the telecom industry at large is really consolidating an effort to ensure that everyone is adhering to a best practice and to a standard to ensure that each of us has end customers. I'm an at and T customer that I'm not receiving just a deluge of unwanted messages from numbers and brands that I don't recognize. Because ultimately, if that continues to happen at large scale, I might pick my business up and take it to Verizon or take it to another carrier. That's the last thing that any of these carriers want is to lose their end customers business. And um, ultimately it devalues using SMS as a channel for each of us as businesses that we're trying to engage with our customers directly. So what the heck is a twop ten DLC? It's alphabet soup, but um, at high level, at application to person. So rather than peer to peer, I'm texting you directly. We're using an application like Salesmsg to initiate the conversation and aggregate that conversation back onto ten DLC ten digit long code that is a local phone number directly. So we've seen a huge rise in spam messages coming from a variety of sources one of which has already, has already changed in the industry earlier this year. Um, and that is, that is the use of shared short codes. You know, these, these five, six digit numbers that are really ideal for high, high volume, large format outbound messaging. You know, they can send 100 messages a second. So if I want to text 100,000 people, that's the option I'm going to pick. But as a result, we started to see a lot of spammers attaching on to those and sending out these large format phishing attacks and other malicious attacks. So shared shortcodes have gone by the wayside where brands have to have their own individual short code. Now we're seeing kind of the second iteration of this best practice and of this standardization for texting come out using local and toll free numbers. We saw about a month and a half ago, the change for toll free number verification. If I am a business sending SMS traffic on a toll free number I now have to register that toll free number associated with my brand and, and identify my brand, the type, the type of content I'm going to be sending, and the type of campaign I'm going to be using. And we're now seeing that secondary trend on the local number side to ensure that our messages get to their end destination. And we can remove this high prevailing sentiment of unwanted messages coming from short codes, toll free numbers, and now local numbers as well. Awesome. So let's dig into why we should register for ten DLC. Um, at a high, high level, we can guarantee that your messages get to the end destination. We're not sending messages out to the ether without any sort of tracking, and ultimately not compromising our investment into the potential ROI for SMS as a channel. So by registering your brand with ten DLC, we can improve the deliverability the likelihood that message actually gets to your end customer. On top of that, we can get that message out faster than ever. By registering our brand, we can go through a dedicated series of tubes that goes out faster than ever. Um, so think of it like TSA precheck for your SMS. Um, some of you on the call might have heard me use that analogy before, rather than going through main airport security, which is an arduous process, but I still get from point A to point B, I can just walk right on through because I'm a known entity. I, um, get to my destination faster and easier than before. On top of that, we are subject to less carrier filtering, which is on the deliverability side, but we also have a lower rate, um, on the carrier fee side, as opposed to unverified traffic, um, because it costs less, because there's less scrutiny on each message that goes out, because we're coming from a known sender ID. So what do we need to provide? How do we get this done? Ultimately, the carriers need to know two things. Who are you? What is your brand? And what type of content are you sending? What is the general campaign that you're going to be using? And we'll talk about campaign classification in just a minute. But let's also just get a sample of the type of content that we're going to be sharing using this channel. The carriers want to say perfect. I know that XYZ brand is going to be sending mixed marketing. Some of it's going to be a customer update, some it's going to be marketing promotion. It's all going to fall under the mixed category. And here are a couple of sample messages that we're going to send out to our customer base on a regular basis. We can say perfect. We know that as we see that traffic go out on that number. Oh, yeah, that's XYZ Brand. This is that campaign that they told us about. And we can go, it can just pass right on through without additional scrutiny. So we want to register our business and we want to register our campaign and the content that we're going to be sending along. Again, this is a new effort that is being spearheaded in the United States. We're operating in Canada. Ten DLC hasn't been developed nearly to the same degree that it is in the US. So if those of you on the call that are doing large format Canadian messaging, stay tuned. Uh there are going to be more things in the industry coming on this, but this is going to be Ten DLC and the changes today are going to be most applicable to our US based customers. Awesome. So without getting too professor oral, I'll say that for Sergey, who's actually a professor but we are going to be registering, where am I going to be sending this information? Who's going to be reviewing it? Ultimately, we are going to be working with an entity called the Campaign Registry. They are they are an aggregator between the, the major telecom companies and these a twop platforms such as ours, ah, to verify and aggregate all of those, all of those different registrations that we are going to be sending along. Um, they're going to say, perfect, here is the batch of XYZ brands for at and T to review, for T Mobile, to review, for Verizon to review, um, and essentially think of it as, as our dedicated funnel to ensure that those get submitted to the right places within the telecom giants directly. Their, their mission primarily is to ensure that we are all restoring cus…