Hi everyone. We are back with a new feature announcement video and this one is pretty cool. In fact, it is one of the most requested features for the year and that is Text to Join Keywords. Text to join Keywords gives you the ability to use Salesmsg to effectively capture leads, build lists and personalize your campaigns. But the best part is it's so easy to use. Setting up a keyword is as simple as a few clicks. All you need is a unique name for your keyword, the message you want to use for the auto reply, the number you want to associate the keyword with, and the unique tag you want to use for the contact that text in that keyword. If you are a small business with not a lot of numbers, or if you have a unique cool number that you wish to use for all your keywords, well, the Salesmsg Keywords feature allows you to use the same number, but with multiple keywords. On the other hand, if you operate in multiple regions with multiple local numbers, and you want to maintain that local presence, you can use the same single keyword but with multiple numbers. With such a cool feature, it's only a matter of time before we have a long list of keywords. And that's why we created the Keywords dashboard to help you manage and optimize your keywords with ease. From this view, you can search for your keywords filter by active or inactive keywords. View the performance tabs for each one of your keywords, and if there is one in particular that you want to analyze in detail, you can click on it and see the list of all the contacts that texted in that keyword, along with the status of these contacts. That sums it up for Keywords. If you're a new Salesmsg and you want to try this cool feature, start your 14 day free trial today. And if you want a detailed walkthrough of the application and all what it can offer to your business, well, it's very simple. All you need to do is text in the Keyword demo to our main phone line and somebody from the team will be in touch with you to give you that detailed walkthrough. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.